Some notes about sizing the panels of gaw. First of all and ony once, gaw needs to determine the value of the variable max_ps_y in the configuration file $HOME/.gaw/gawrc, if this value is 0. And this value is 0 after a reset to factory settings and after a first install. This variable is used to determine the size of view port of the panel scrolled window. The panel scrolled window can be considered as 2 port: the view port which stands on the screen and the virtual port that contains panels. When the the virtual port is larger than the view port the scroll bar is shown. Gaw, in function of the number of panels and the panel height, i.e. value of panelHeight variable in $HOME/.gaw/gawrc, calculate the width and height value of the main window and the height of the virtual port and then set these values. In the case of the virtual port, the size is to be considered as a minimal size. In normal running, a user may chang the size of the main window by dragging one of the corners of the main window. As a result, the size of the view port is changed, it takes the size allocated by the main window. The virtual port expands if you give more room and do not change if you try to shrink because you have reached the minimal value. In the first case the panel size expands, but not in the second case. A growed panel size is stable. If you add or remove a panel, the size is recalculated with the value of panelHeight variable as explained before. But if growing is what you want, you can save the configuration file and this change value of panelHeight. But this do not giwe a way to lower the panelHeight. To day, the only way is to edit the configuration file once and do not change it. Another way could be to create a menu entry to set panelHeight to the minimal value. Then the user can then grow it. Another way could be to let the user enter his prefered size in a specific window... The subject is open.