Where you can gaw : You can find gaw on these websites : http://www.rvq.fr http://www.herveq.tk http://gaw.tuxfamily.org Please discard http://www.herveq.fr You can find a short description page on this web page: http://www.rvq.fr/linux/gaw.php Note : Fedora 13 : If you don't have icon in menu, run the command : gconftool-2 --type boolean --set /desktop/gnome/interface/menus_have_icons true See directory examples for example of different data file format. Compiling: We need : - Gtk+ libs and headers installed. - Alsa libasound and headers alsa/asoundlib.h installed. tar zxvf gaw-yyyymmdd.tar.gz cd gaw-yyyymmdd ./configure make If you do not want to embed libasound, try : ./configure --enable-gawsound=no If you want to disable nls support : ./configure --disable-nls Putting gaw in gnome menu (on Fedora) cp gaw.desktop /usr/local/share/applications cp gaw.png /usr/local/share/pixmaps/ Runnning gaw : On command line : gaw : gaw ... : gaw -h for some options You can get help : leaving the mouse on a button will generate a tooltips. As it is not possible to get a tooltips on a menu item, messages are generated in the statusBar. The statusBar is at bottom left corner, and displays "Welcome to gaw" when you enter gaw. So you should keep one eye on the statusBar and the other on the menu item. This is difficult for some people !!! Sensible areas for Drag and Drop : Sources for Drag and Drop : Any data file icon on desktop or filemanager menu buttons on list windows buttons on left side of panels Destinations for Drag and Drop : Add Panel button on menu Bar Delete wave button on menu Bar Drawing Areas Area where X labels are displayed Loading file when gaw is running : file/open + select your file Drag&Drop : from your desktop or your Nautilus to a DrawingArea Display wave when not already displayed : Drag&Drop : from buttom in list window to a DrawingArea or left click in a DrawingArea to select it and double left click on the button in list window. or Drag&Drop to area where X labels are displayed. This add a penel. or Drag&Drop to Add Panel Button on MenuBar. This add a penel. Display wave when already displayed : move Drag&Drop : from wave buttom at left of DrawingAreas to a DrawingArea Display wave when already displayed : copy shift+Drag&Drop : from wave buttom at left of DrawingAreas to a DrawingArea Remove displayed wave select wave with left click on wave button and click delete wave. or select wave with left click on wave button and right click in DrawingArea and select delete wave. or right click on wave button and select delete this wave. or drag the wave button to the trash button (Delete wavein menuBar) Set cursors in DrawingArea left click set the first cursor Middle click set the second cursor Zoom in left click Zoom in button in menu bar. or zoom menu and select Zoom in. or right click in DrawingArea and select Zoom in. or Keyboard : "Z" Zoom out left click Zoom out button in menu bar. or zoom menu and select Zoom out. or right click in DrawingArea and select Zoom out. or Keyboard : "Z" Zoom a selected X area set the 2 cursors and click Zoom Cursors in menu bar. or right click in DrawingArea and select Zoom X... and drag the left button on the area to zoom. Zoom X undo zoom menu and select Zoom X full. or right click in DrawingArea and select Zoom X full. or Keyboard : "Z" Zoom Y right click in DrawingArea and select Zoom Y... and drag the left button on the area to zoom. Zoom Y undo right click in DrawingArea and select Zoom Y full. Zoom X+Y Select Zoom X+Y... and drag the left button on the area to zoom in DrawingArea. Export to image file in one of the format available in Gtk right click in DrawingArea and select Export to image. Export data in some available formats click File/Export Data in variable list window, enter the format and filename. usefull for users ? let me know. Anyway it is usefull for testing !!! Save conf save configuration in $HOME/.gaw/gawrc with the last used input filename which becomes the default input file name. next running gaw will reload this default file. Clear def save configuration in $HOME/.gaw/gawrc with clearing the default input file name. Multisweep : Multisweep means generate a set of data for a different value of a component. Only Hspice format supports multiweep. You can find an example in the file examples/invsweep.tr0. So load the file and try Right click on a button in the list window : y @... and select Add all similar to selected. This will show al the waves for each value of the component. About data Formats ================= In principle Gaw is able to recognize the implemented formats, but due to the lack of definition in some format, it should be very easy to confuse Gaw. So it is suggested to provide a format. There are 2 ways to provide a format : - setting the format in the menu for loading a file. - giving an extension to your file. The recognized extensions are : .tr[0-9], .sw[0-9], .ac[0-9] for hspice .B, .N, .W for cazm .raw for spice3raw .rawspice for spice2raw .out for nsout .wav for wav .acd, .acs, .dat, .ascii for ascii Requirements for Gaw ==================== Dependancies : Alsa lib >= 1.0.16 gtk+-2.0 >= 2.10.0 Gaw is developped under Fedora But this does not mean, it should not work on others distributions. Instead it means that if there are mistakes due to distributions differences, I cannot see them, and you need to report them. Compiled gaw 20100823: ======== Fedora 13 Linux olix #1 SMP Tue Jul 6 22:32:17 UTC 2010 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux GLIB library version: 2.24.1 GTK+ library version: 2.20.1 Alsa version: 1.0.23 data directory: /usr/local/share/gaw locale directory: /usr/local/share/locale Fedora 11 Linux rvix #1 SMP Sat Aug 15 00:44:39 EDT 2009 i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux GLIB library version: 2.20.5 GTK+ library version: 2.16.6 Alsa version: 1.0.21 data directory: /usr/local/share/gaw locale directory: /usr/local/share/locale Frugalware (ppc) : Linux imac 2.6.32-fw3 #1 PREEMPT Fri May 7 10:52:40 CEST 2010 ppc GNU/Linux GLIB library version: 2.22.4 GTK+ library version: 2.18.7 Alsa version: 1.0.22 data directory: /usr/local/share/gaw locale directory: /usr/local/share/locale